Creation of Cooperate Identity
As every TV channel on the market and new upcoming TV channels have their own form or cooperate Identity either through a logo or Ident collection, it allows for each of them to obtain independency in their identities and not appear the same. Another area of where creating a cooperate identity can take a TV channel up the media ladder is based on what material they show upon their channel and how the ratings of the programmes are doing because it becomes a games of cat and mouse with TV channels as one TV channel may be showing movies for example many audience members are wanting to watch and due to this other TV channels will feel a decline in viewers of their programs as everyone will have shifted to the channel showing the movies.
Creating a cooperate Identity for your TV channel is highly recommended in the sense of your Ident becoming big and well known based on whether the material you are showing the audience members is admired by them or not and if it is your ratings will grow and your channel will be acknowledged by more people around the world.
Display of text based information
When Idents display text based information on screen the two areas in which the design will focus on is whether the text is easy to read and at the same time does it link with the given styles and themes. For a channel such as BBC One, the text in which they display within their Idents such as the channels name has to be as clear as possible but at the same time link in with the current existing styles you see within their Idents. This is down to how BBC One is the most popular TV channel in the UK and is viewed by people of all ages and from that you get many people with visual impairments, so to make the text within their Idents applicable towards every viewer they had to thoroughly inspect certain elements of the text such as the
background colour and the text colour itself as some colours used within text such as yellow on awhite background can be hard to read, even for people with 20/20 vision or better.Also with the placement of the text being nearly always in the center of the Ident there are noobscurities to cause the viewer to think it says something other than BBC One. Furthermore if younotice that nearly every Ident BBC One show has a clear center to place the channels Logo in so thatit does not go from being easy to identify too hard as the center nearly always remains the samethroughout the duration of the Idents as shows in the example list above.So for the channel name to be as clear as possible on screen for the
viewer’s, the BBC One Ident
Designers produced a BBC One logo in bold white text as white text itself can be viewed on a hugespectrum of colours with ease, but applying the bold effect to the text allowed for even more claritytowards the viewer.
Branding of content
Branding of Content links directly to marketing,Information and Entertainment-led as they are nearenough the same thing just more specific to their ownareas. Branding of content is simply taking products (TVshows for example) and their adverts and applying thebrand name of the channel they are being aired on.One example could be
BBC One’
s 2013 The Voice Identin which shows a clip of the judges rotating in their chairthen a blur fade into focus upon the stage microphone.From here the BBC One white bold logo appears aroundthe Microphone with a narrator talking about the showand some brief information about other TV programmesthat will be aired after The Voice.Reasoning into why TV channels such as BBC Oneincorporate advert like footage of a specific programmeinto their Idents is to notify the viewer mainly of how only that one channel shows that one showand that if you are looking to watch The Voice you will have to go on to BBC One as they own all ofthe broadcasting rights overall meaning they need to get as many viewers as possible to make theshow worth its contingency otherwise the show would be cancelled.
Creation of Tone
When it comes to the creation of tone for TV Idents the designers need to make sure that the Identsonce aired give off the right tone towards the audience members and that the image the audienceobtain is of a pleasant nature or something that links the Idents to the type of programmes they air.With the creation of tone it is not only about the footage you see on screen but also the audio youhear, for example BBC channels tend to play more of a jingle that only last about 3 seconds whereaschannels such as MTV will play a more upbeat piece of music to that will last up to 5 seconds inlength, this is used as a description tool towards the type of programmes they air which are much




more youth orientated compared to the programmes their air upon BBC channels hence why theyuse a jingle which comes across more pleasant towards a larger array of audience members of allages.The tone in which TV channels chose to adopt are mainly based around the types of programmesthey air along with the target audience they have also chosen to adopt. From here the TV channelIdent designers must make sure that both of these elements link simultaneously when the audienceare watching the Ident.To make it easier for th
e Ident designer’s
, focus groups are set up with audience members of all agesto watch the completed Ident or suit of Idents run through and then give their opinion upon them.From here the designers can obtain valuable information on what members of the general publicthink about the current state of the Idents and what they feel should be done to improve them ifanything.
Appeal to target audience
Idents must appeal to the target audience in a pleasant and persuasive form so that the viewers donot become deterred from watching the channel but persuaded to stay on the channel for longer.Idents must have a target audience so that the Ident designers has something solid to focus on butat the same time reflect the Idents into the different genre programmes in which that channel airs.One example where an Ident would not appeal to the target audience is if a music channel such asScuzz was to show footage of a child playing with Barbie dolls with happy cheerful music as Scuzz is adedicated music channel for the genre of rock and metal music, so having an Ident that showsfootage of Barbie dolls will definitely not appeal to the target audience.Although the BBC One Idents I feel hit the appeal to the target audience dead centre, reason being isdown to the range of footage they apply to their suit of Idents and the form in which they portraythe Idents along with the jingle they incorporate which adds to the comfort of the Idents.
Encouragement of brand loyalty
When it comes to brand loyalty and encouragement of brand loyalty, TV channels air programmes inwhich viewers have admired for years such as Coronation Street, EastEnders and Emmerdale to tryand keep their ratings up as the aim of the game in the TV media industry is to obtain as manyviewers as possible to become the biggest and best TV channel in the country or world.With programmes such as Coronation Street and Emmerdale having all of their broadcasting rightsowned by ITV this gives ITV automatic brand loyalty for these soaps because fans of the two soapswill only be able to view full episodes if they watch ITV for when they are scheduled or ITV Playerwhich is online.If any other channel was to air any footage from these two soaps ITV could automatically sue themdue to them not having any of the soaps broadcasting rights and failing to make purchasing enquirestowards either of the soaps.


Encouragement of brand loyalty with TV channels is different in the sense of physical products brandloyalty as with that you get yourself a deal such as 2 for 1 or half price but with TV channels theirencouragement of brand loyalty would be to show 2 episodes of one TV series or provide viewerswith an hour long episode of something that usually only last 30 minutes, this way the TV channelsgain appreciation from the viewers for airing more of their desired TV programme than usual andthis overall causes the viewer to return to the TV channel over another that may also air that sameprogramme but not encourage brand loyalty which would void the viewer returning.
With the limitations in which the typography upon Idents face, it varies depending on the footageapplied to the Idents as the colours used within the footage for example cannot be to bright as thetext upon the Idents could then become hard to read and as Idents must be designed for peoplewith visual impairments in mind, from here the typography in which they apply to Idents thenbecomes limited along with the designers creative ability.Not only does the colour of the text and background colour within Idents matter but also the fontsize and font used within Idents as a designer you may find that the font and font colour you haveused works really well together but at the same time is slightly hard to read and if you have 20/20vision or better you will have the overall benefit into whether the text will be easily read by audiencemembers of all ages who will have visual impairments.The font and font sizes used within Idents matter because they may come across as exceptional inthe aesthetical department towards the designer but if they are not clear enough for audiencemembers problems would arise and audience members would most easily become annoyed anddeterred from watching that TV channel because the audience member is either struggling to readthe text displayed on screen or is finding it unpleasant to view due to the colours sued for both thetext and the background.Although TV Idents I feel remain at a basic level due to their time limits and their purposes I feel thatIdents Designers could create some much more interesting and entertaining Idents but due to thelimitations that are put before them in the area of visual impairments, Idents designers have toconform to the rules of making sure that the typography of the Idents they design are easilyreadable for all ages of people with all different types of visual impairments.
When it comes to the resolutionsthat are used within TV Idents, Identdesigners will produce a suite ofIdents to their fullest ability basedon what information they have beengiven and from there render each ofthe individual Idents in to Differentresolutions.
The reason for this is down to how not every TV on the market has the same screen resolution so tomake sure Idents cover the entire screen depending on the user settings of the TV they will exporteach of the Idents in different resolutions.From the image I have displayed you can clearly see how the resolutions are split into fourcategories with standard-definition TV right up to Ultra-high-definition and with these categoriesgiven give the Ident designers a range of resolutions to go by when the rendering process is initiated.The limitations in which designers face with the resolutions they have to render each of the Idents inrevolves around how most people only have High Definition TVs up to 1080P and no further, withvery few people to date owning Ultra high Definition TVs so the limitations here are more on theconsumer end as Idents are also rendered in Ultra High definition but they cannot view them due totheir TVs only being High definition compatible and not further so for the designers it is more of atime waster for them as they are most likely waiting hours on end for Idents to render in Ultra highdefinition resolutions but in the end will most likely only be viewed very few times.
The colour limitations in which are presented towardsIdent designers are focused around whether theaudience members can Identify what the footage is andwhether they can read the text on screen with ease butthis all depends on the target audience as the youngera target audience the more flexible and dynamic theIdent designers can be with the Idents production.Take the BBC One Idents for example for comparisonagainst the MTV Idents, all of the footage within eachof the BBC One Idents are easily Identifiable as something natural, man-made or a combination ofboth with very little colour balance applied to the footage to give off a non-edited image towardsthe audience members and to give a natural light effect, applying this allows for easy reading of thebold white text they use within their logo which is nearly always centred upon the Idents.This clearly comes across as Idents that are aimed at a much larger array of target audiencemembers due to the clarity of the Idents in which people of all ages and visual impairments should




be able to Identify as a BBC One Ident, and not only from the narrator stating so unless theimpairments were severe.With the MTV Idents, the colour limitations arevery few due to the target audience membersbeing of a specific age range from around 15 to 30years old, and having a target audience age thatlow allows MTV Ident designers to have muchmore flexibility in their work also allowing theircreative minds to flow much better in the Ideageneration period of the Ident productions.
The size of an Ident reflects straight back to resolution of an Ident in the sense of its physical size onscreen and how detailed the image is towards the audience member.With this subheading I am going to go straight to the point on its limitations in which I feel are theexact same as the resolution limitations which is that Ident designers are outputting sizes for Ultrahigh definitions TVs which very few people around the world have and overall wasting time forthemselves and the TV channels they are working for. Despite it is not the actual designers wastingtime but more or less the clients (CEOs and other high ranking operators of the TV channels) who aregiving orders to the designers to output the Idents in sizes that are barley ever used by consumersdue to the technology not being within affordable price ranges at this point in time.Other than the points previously stated there are very limited limitations of size with TV Idents aslong as the resolutions that they captured it (if footage based) are high enough to reach 1080P butmost professional studio cameras of today can record in much higher sizes and resolutions than thevery popular resolution of 1080P .But as very few people around the world have ultra-high definitionTVs the rendering of those sizes are what see as currently pointless.
When it comes to the aspect ratio and the limitations in which are upheld by this, the aspect ratiooverall limits the resolution of the Idents in which are produced by their designers.To be more specific Ident designers conform to resolutions given via their client who work for thesame TV channel as them. From here the designer must conform to the given resolutions that reflecta specific aspect ratio, if the designer does not render the Idents to the specific resolutions given thiscould create a draw back for the deadline date set by the client which could potentially limit whatIdents are aired on TV if the Idents are of a new suite as aspect ratios are constraints on resolution ofhow flexible than can.



Analogue and Digital recording and transmission systems
Analogue recording to date is no longer used in the TV media industry inthe UK due to technological upgrades with digital recording taking over.Analogue recording was simply just footage being captured on tape formover hard drive form which is now used across the entire UK to recordfootage for TV purposes, although some studio cameras to date still useanalogue recording equipment which is then converted into digitalfootage.The limitations of digital recording and transmission systems is that digital footage has a higher bitrate over its analogue counterpart as it takes longer for the footage to be transmitted to homesacross the UK.This is barely noticeable though through what you see on your TV screen but sometimes you maynotice a lag in the footage; this would most likely be down to how the footage you are watching is ofa high quality such as 720p which will transmit slower than 720I footage and resolutions below thatdepending on the location you live in.But as transmission systems technology grows, eventually you will be able to watch ultra-highdefinition footage on your TV without any problems occurring such as lag or freezing of the footage.Even if the footage is being transmitted live as problems can still occur, as live transmissionscaptured through digital equipment still freeze on TV depending on how far the transmission has totravel to its intended destination.
Creative Communication
Enhancing ideas
When it comes to creating Idents, Ident designers who are working inteams will discuss elements that they feel will apply a positive towardsthe completed products.Ident designers inform one another of the ideas in which they havegenerated which could potentially increase the overall liking of anIdent design, these enhancement Ideas could have very small visualvalue towards audience members but could communicated a message towards the audiencemembers that is much more effective that originally realised.After executive producers of Idents (the client) have spoken with the Ident designers they will mostlikely inform each other of what metal image they are obtaining from one another and from theirmake small comments on what could potential be added to enhance the design ideas .
Pushing the technology
In today’s world we have computer technology we would have never seen come 60 years ago, and
given that we are able to replicate what looks like real footage but is simply CGI at its highest abilitygiven the programme used such as Adobe After Effects which is the industry standard for applyingrealistic effects to real life footage that would not normally be applicable due to reality defying thatmatter.As this is so, clients of Idents are now fully able to let their creative minds fly as nearly any form offootage that we know to date is apply able due to given editing programs.In the sense of pushing the technology a client may devise and idea for a new Ident that they wantupon their TV channel, but the form in which they describe it to the designer could become harderthan realised. Reason being is that the client may speak of their Idea with very distant connection toany form of footage real, CGI or animation based which the designer may find hard to understand atfirst as they would most likely try and compare it to an already existing form of motion footage suchas anime or stop motion animation.From here the client would disagree with the designer and attempt to describe the type of footagethey are looking for using very creative lingo which the designer would understand, and from thatpoint it would cause the designer to create potentially a new form of motion based footage within aprogramme such as Adobe After Effects or some form of animation based editing programme.
Communicating visual ideas to a non-visual audience
With Communicating visual ideas to a non-visual audience,this area relies upon feedback entirely, so thing such asfocus groups, questionnaires and other forms of primaryresearch are essential to obtain the opinions of what the
viewer’s think about an Ident or a suite of Idents.
This process is undertaken before the distribution of thecompleted product so that Ident designer can make anyneeded alterations that need doing (if any) based on thefeedback they have received from target audiencemembers.Obtaining this feedback information is vital towards the TV channel as they may have their own ideaof how they want the Ident to appear on screen, but the target audience may have a completelydifferent Idea, but most of the time the ideas generated from the client and the Ident designer arevery close to what the target audience would call exceptional for output towards TV.



Creating under pressure of time and budget.
When Ident designers are given the task of producing a new suite of Idents, they willbe given a deadline and budget to work with, but given this, designers can find it hardto produce anything of what they feel is worthy for usage upon the TV channel theyare currently working for, and the harder they find it to produce footage the more ofthe budget is used along with the time frame given to them to produce it all within.If this is to occur the designer will most likely return to the client for more inspirationalideas or maybe set up focus groups with members of the target audience giving theiropinion on what they feel the Idents should contain.When the Ident designer or designers are given a time frame to work within and abudget to work with, these two amounts will more or less define the depth in which thedesigners can go to before they deplete both attributes given to complete the Ident orIdents. For example, the less time and money given to an Ident designer will mean the less depth ofIdea generation they will have to explore and the less testing they will have to conduct due to thesmaller budget.Although if the designer feels that they are really getting somewhere with the Idea generation for anIdent but are running low on time, they will most likely inform their client of the situation and tryand persuade the client to extend the deadline date and also the budget which will be negotiatedand settled on depending on whether the client feel that the designer is really getting somewherebased on sketches and research they have produced.
Appealing to a target audience
When it comes to making an Ident appealing towards the target audience, the best way aspreviously stated under the Communicating visual ideas to a non-visual audience heading is toconduct primary research in the forms of Focus groups and questionnaires in which a variety oftarget audience members can voice their opinion on the Ident which has been produced up to a setpoint where the designers and client feel that there is not much else they can apply towards it butmaybe make alterations based on the feedback from target audience members.In a focus group the target audience members will be subjected to the display of an Ident or a suiteof Idents in which they will state their opinions upon the Idents and if there is anything that they feelshould be altered for a better outcome.By doing this the designers are able to make the Idents appealing towards the target audiencedirectly because they are obtaining the target audiences opinion straight up over makingassumptions based on stereotypes and ages and other attributes to represent the target audience.




Appreciation of desired tone
When target audience members come round to viewing a brand new Ident on TV, the tone given offfrom the Ident is vital as the wrong tone can easily deter audience member from wanting to stay onthat desired channel which they first valued.So to make sure that the target audience members obtain their desired tone, focus groups are set up
for them to view the Ident in which they can state if they feel the tone given off isn’t lively enough
for example or if they feel that it gives of a tone more towards genres of TV media in which that TVchannel do not display, for example BBC One and horror movies.If the target audience feel that the tone given off links very well with the genres of programmes inwhich they display the target audience will overall appreciate that and show some form of praisetowards the designer.Given the desired tone is a form of feedback towards the target audience members meaning thatthey will want to feel some form of inducement when viewing the Ident in preparation form the nextscheduled programme overall making them potentially enjoy the programme more based on howmuch they already admire that programme.Overall obtaining the desired tone of the target audience is needed to keep ratings up and making
sure that the Ident somehow some way links to the next scheduled programme whether it’s based
on the genre of the programme or the style in which the programme upholds.
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