P: Describe the purposes and design of 3-5 Idents for Television Channels by correctly identifying purposes
- Design: density of information; space and time; screen tempo; interaction with viewers; information-led; entertainment-led
Purpose: identity; branding; marketing; packaging and re-packaging; scheduling; segmentation within scheduling
D: Compare the design of a range of 5 Idents and argue how they are designed for a specific purpose, justify your points with detailed and specific examples
Starter: A History of Idents
What changes do you notice to the Design of BBC Idents?
What are they for/what is their purpose?
Focus on BBC 3 Rebranding
New Info - Make notes on Purposes of Idents
Unit 32 Introduction To Idents from robertclackmedia
Class Task Assess 1a)
Create a Timeline of 12 TV Channel Idents from 1960s to current. Put this in Thinglink or Prezi and annotate them based on:
Class Task Assess 1a)
Create a Timeline of 12 TV Channel Idents from 1960s to current. Put this in Thinglink or Prezi and annotate them based on:
i. Purpose: Brand
Identity of the channel (personality, associations)
ii. Design: Amount of information on screen (colours, logo, graphics)
iii. Purpose: What
they are for/how their purpose has changed over time
iv. Design: Screen Tempo, Duration
v. Design: How it attracts the attention of the audience
v. Design: How it attracts the attention of the audience
Assess Task 1b
Using the Idents in our class timeline, research
the purposes in detail all of the following to take part in a video'd class presentation next lesson
In Pairs, you will be expected to discuss the Design of the Idents (see below)
- Tempo (Pace and movement)
- Density of Information on screen
- Space (Positioning) and Time (Duration)
- Interaction with audience (catch attention/interest, recognisable)
- Information led or entertainment led
and discuss how they serve the following purposes...
i. to express channel's identity
ii. to
brand the channel & create Brand loyalty
iii. to market
& promote the channel (by appealing to the target audience in
a way that makes the audience stand out from other channels - as they are in
iv. segmentation
(to break up programming) AND to provide
information to the audience (i.e. what's on next)
v. to rebrand the channel to keep them 'on trend' & up to date (see the SKY1 ident for rebranding examples/advice)
Prep Work:
Read over the exemplars for testing next lesson
Resource 2
Unit 32 Assignment 1 Task 1 The Purpose and nature of Ident Design
Density of Information
When it comes to the density of information that is conveyedtowards the audience from an Ident, no specific one, it entirelydepends on what you visually see from the Ident and what youpersonally intake from that Ident as sometime people may beviewing an Ident and share thoughts with others who have viewedthat exact same Ident for example, but at the same time twopeople viewing an Ident may see two completely different things from one element of that Ident.Viewers may also obtain more than one thought towards that one element of the Ident of what it istrying to portray towards the audience.When the design process is undertaken for the production of an Ident, the designers must realisethat something themselves or their clients can see as small can outcome as much more once shownto an audience for example. Whereas something that is clearlyobvious such the BBC One Idents in which they display a circle ormore witithn each of their Idents or something to symbolise the
shape of an “o” to notify you
that the channel you are watchingis BBC One, the links in which they adopt are based around thefact of how the shape of a circle has no corners it is just ONEcontinuous shape thus the link as the channel is called BBC One.
Space and Time
With the space and time given for the production of an Ident, it first varies on the TV channel youare producing the Ident for and what the client working for the TV channel gives the designers towork with and the deadline date for final completed version of the Ident, after conducting someresearch into TV Idents, I found that most Ident productions are given small amounts of time andmost of that time is spent with the designers brain storming simple yet effect ways of frontingsomething that symbolises the TV channel they are producing the Ident for, as Idents only last 15seconds so the designer will most likely be put under pressure to produce something that gives off aclear enough message towards the audience of what channel they are watching but at the sametime show some form of link the Ident has to the upcoming program that is to be displayed after theIdent.For example, in the previous illustrative example given for BBC One it show a team of rugby players,this message first conveys towards the audience members that there is a high chance of a sportingprogramme about to start as Rugby is a Sport but at the same time linking it back to BBC One as theactors within the Ident are performing The Hakawhich is a traditional Maori dance from NewZealand which is commonly associated with Rugby players but as they are performing this dancethey happen to be doing it all as ONE, as ONE team which yet links back to the TV channel of BBCOne.



Screen Tempo
The screen tempo is something that must be taken in to highconsideration during the production of a TV Ident due to thenotifications needed for the audience members, because if a TV Ident isplayed to quickly and the shots witithn it are cut to soon the targetaudience may find it hard to know what TV channel they are watchingdue to a lack of symbol or logo identification and what TVprogramme is about to start. So timing became a crucial part ofIdents to uphold their output message towards the audience.With high consideration taken for the screen tempo, Ident designersquickly realised that Idents cannot show more than one topic offootage witithn each Ident as it could potentially obscure theaudience members knowledge of what the next scheduled TVprogramme is. This also links back to the time length given for Idents asthey only last up to 15 seconds long and as this is so, it further more gaveIdent designers a reason to stick to one topic of footage rather thanattempt to apply multiple to one Ident but at the same time make sureaudience members realised what channel they were on but not what theywere about to watch as original Idents for channels such as BBC One onlyapplied links back to their TV channel not what TV programme could beon after the showing of the Ident. The way they gave the audiencemembers this knowledge was to have a
continuity announcer whointroduces the upcoming program speaking to audience directly.Interaction with viewers
As there is no red button like function usable for the Idents of a TVchannel there is no true response interaction but with that comes theresponse of the viewers from the Ident they have just viewed.When channels such as BBC One were first established they only hadone TV Ident in which they could show towards the audience which wasthe bat wings design, but as modern times have come around and ourability to produce much more detailed footage of both real life footage
and CGI, TV channels in today’s age have multiple Idents in which they
use according to the scheduled TV programmes and the genres in which they are held under.One example could be where an action adventure film is scheduled to play on BBC One and they usethe helicopter landing on the circular sea pad Ident to notify the audience members that the next TVprogramme could have something to do with action but with that comes the
continuity announcer
who would state what is next to be aired with a specific tone of voice to amplify the viewer’s
already building tension and this is where I feel nearly half of the interaction come from asthe continuity announcer is talking to the audience members directly which overall makes
This Ident belongs to BBC 3 inwhich the screen tempo variesfrom fast to slow also the shapes,colour and layout of the IdentReflect the TV programmes inwhich they show.This Ident belongs to BBC 2 inwhich it shows a 2D number 2 onscreen getting covered in aturquoise paint with a high framerate making the paint appear as if
it’s flying through the air slower
than real time motion whichcould indicate that a TVprogramme which is takenslower such as a cookingprogram could be on TV next.






Scuzz as other rock music channels such as Kerrang tend to playmuch softer samples of rock music witithn their Idents as metalmusic is not one of their strongest areas but general rock, punkand indie genres are.
When it comes to areas such as marketing and Idents, it reflectsback to the area of information-le and entertainment-led, this isbecause an Ident alone has small marketing powers but applyingsomething to an Ident such as an advert for an upcomingprogramme gives the Ident marketing abilities to persuade theviewers that their channel should be watched.Taking a more in depth look at marketing and Idents, oneexample being Channel 4 and how they brought the broadcasting rights to the Paralympics and tomake more viewers realise that the Paralympics is coming soon they would display the advert for theParalympics but during the showing they would flash elements of Channel 4 on the screen in theform of their logo and have both sex
narrating over the advert providing statements such as “TheParalympics, only on Channel 4” and by saying this audience members who are wanting to watch the
Paralympics will know that the only channel they can watch the Paralympics both live and a re-runsis on Channel 4.From here viewers who are wanting to watch the Paralympics will all be watching the same channel,
that being Channel 4, and from there Channel 4’s rating
s will considerable increase as they are theonly channel who have the broadcasting rights to the Paralympics, whereas if multiple TV channelshad purchased segments of the broadcasting rights to the Paralympics the viewers of the eventwould be split therefore equalling in lower ratings for each of the channels who are broadcasting theParalympics.
Packaging and Re-packaging
Packaging is where an Ident for a TV channel of any kind will have their Ident representing theirchannel with styles and themes that the TV channel have adopted to overall represent differentgenres depending on the TV programmes that they air, it is called packaging because of how theIdent is complete and has been given a purpose for viewing as it will most likely link in some way tothe upcoming TV programme or Movie.Re packaging is where the advert is taken back by the TV channel to apply a specific style of one ormore TV shows, most of the time the Ident will focus upon one upcoming programme that is to beaired within the next few weeks such as a documentary or if it is round a seasonal period the Identof the TV channel will be a basic compilation of some of the best parts of the upcoming shows andmovies
to try and gain the viewers’ attention and make them watch more of that one channel.




One clear example of this is BBC One
’s Christmas Idents where they show an Ident with footage that
firstly links with the seasonal and festive period then straight after run a compilation of footage fromup and coming TV shows and movies, to be more specific, parts that will either make the audiencelaugh or something that links the programme to the festive period or to just generally entertain theaudience with shots from action based movies, this way the audience members will most likely stayon the channel for a longer period of time or keep returning to the channel more frequently becausethey have viewed a re-packaged Ident in which has gained their attention so they will return to thechannel to see what is being aired.
Scheduling with Idents is important because it gives the viewer an indication into what could beaired after the viewing of the Ident.With various TV channels having multiple Idents for different genre links, scheduling becomesimportant due to how the Idents are produced to some way link to the upcoming Programme ormovie genre, the grey area of this is that not many viewers of TV even realise that Idents aredesigned to link to the genre of the upcoming programme so they just simply think it is a differentIdent to keep the viewer entertained.Scheduling the right Ident for the right programme is crucial for a TV company as for the viewerswho do know about TV Idents linking to the upcoming programme would become confused to asmall extent if the following scenario was to occur.A Man gets home from work and sits down to watch a Horror movie on BBC one, but just before themovie starts an Ident appears on screen, specifically the Ident which has hippos under water forminga circle, this type of Ident would most likely be used before a nature documentary or somethingmuch softer than a horror movie.From here the man is confused and believes he has made a mistake with his timing and scheduling,
but instead it is BBC One’s fault as they have made a critical error in which Idents they should be
displaying between TV programmes and movies.
Segmentation witithn Scheduling
Segmentation within scheduling is where a TV channelscollection of Idents is spread across the year depending onthe time of the year, seasonal period and what is to beshown after the Idents Projection.One example here could be with the use of the E4 Idents,specifically the beach house one which shows elements ofstop motion animation by having objects move autonomously.
This Ident would most likely be shown witithn the summer periods of the UK as a beach house islocated on the beach which is a popular location during the summer periods with sun and heat beingthe influence towards people visiting. Another reason for this Ident being shown during the summer



periods is probably down to how the British weather is highly unreliable, especially when you need itto be sunny and to keep viewers feeling a little brighter they show this Ident.Another way in which this Ident would be used is down to the genre or direct programme that isbeing aired after its projection.One example could be What Happens in sunny beach and Kavos which is a TV programmedocumenting what young Brits get up to abroad and away from their parents, and as the name usesthe word sunny the beach house Ident from E4 would most likely be used before to give off somelink towards the audience members that something with maybe hot weather or a location near thesea is to shown witithn the next upcoming programme.
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