Sunday, 30 October 2016

2.1.1 Assess 3C(ii) Techniques of Music Videos - Camera Angles & Movement

Objective: To explain with examples Music Video Camera
Techniques Angles and Movement

In The Nighttime

Compare the 2 music videos in their use of Camera Movement and Angles

Task 1: Camera movement test - why used to create emotion?

Make notes in teams then watch with sound to test answers

Pass: Describe how to set up/carry out the angle/ movement
Merit: Explain the purpose and where/why you would use it in a Music Video
Distinction: Analyse the emotional meaning 

1) Assessment 3B Music Video Practical Techniques Portfolio pt2: Camera Angles and Movement
2) Assessment 3C(ii): "How to..." Guide to Music Video Camera Techniques

Pass. Describe and identify which angles and movements used in Music Videos

Merit. Explain the purposes of movement in Music Video with examples
Merit. Explain the purposes of a variety of camera positions and angles in Music Videos with examples

Distinction. Assess and compare the use of Movement and Angles in different (genres of) Music Videos

Split into 2 group and share

New Info:

P. What angles & How do you go about shooting to get coverage?
M. Why is it used?
D. Meaning

P. What movement and How?
M. Why is it used?
D. Meaning

Plenary - what are the 5 key angles and movements required for YOUR track and why?

Practical Task: Create a Portfolio of Camera Techniques for your How To Guide

In your teams - Reproduce 30 seconds of one of the examples as a performance base track

Pay particular attention to the Angles and Camera Movement and Lip Synching

Group 1: Rock/Indie: Foo Fighters Pretender
Group 2: Pop: Lily Allen LDN 
Group 3: Hip Hop: NWA Straight Outta Compton

Section 1: How to Shoot for Coverage  
Section 2: Angles 
Section 3: Movement 
Section 4: Miming and Lip-Synching

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