Tuesday, 2 May 2017

5.3 Feedback on Production Plan/Pitch

Objective: Be able to develop a planned response to a brief

P2 plan a response to a brief working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance

M2 plan a response to a brief competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

D2 plan a response to a brief to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to
  1. a production budget 
  2. a treatment (Theme, Consistency of each 4 idents, Tone, Brand Identity, Colour) 
  3. a production plan to meet requirements with timescales (stages of pre-production and production tasks w/team members involved & their role) 
  4. designs (including storyboards for each ident) 
  5. potential problems with each (health and safety issues; budget; production practicalities; practical skills, resources etc) 
  6. possible solutions with each (research potential of solutions; evaluate against requirements and constraints; select best option; what needs to be discussed with client during pitch?;agree final response during pitch)
Davics - P
1. M/P equipment hire
2. P - (no colour, tone, brand), making 4 idents not 1.
3. P - production schedule as Gant chart with your roles and what to do
4. P - annotations - colour, tone, how animated? Design for Dolls? Only 3/4 storyboard drafts
5. P - time and stop motion
6. P - time & stop motion, no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

Young Empire - M
1. M
2. M
3. M
4. M
5. M
6. M no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

Skudodo - only Tamaira (P) and Nigel (P) awarded marks for submission. Group grade NYA
1. P/M
4. NYA incomplete - only 1 storyboard
6. no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

1. P - subtotals and how solved in problems
2. NYA - incorrect format & no detail - 
6. no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

iwatch - NYA
1. Present in grid (P)
2. NYA incomplete (Theme, Consistency of each 4 idents, Tone, Visual Style, Brand Identity, Colour) 
3. P - no roles or how shoot organised 
4. NYA - incomplete no rough storyboards, designs don't match the pitch, no drawings etc 
5. P - how will you organise the shoot?
6. P - no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

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