Wednesday, 24 May 2017

5.6 Homework Half Term - Deadline Friday 9th June


TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY - Mr French is in college for you to come in and work

Your HOMEWORK is to complete the Idents and the Evaluation (Task 6) below

Critically evaluate own work on completion of a brief with reference to professional practice, and consistently using subject terminology correctly.

EVALUATE MEANS DISCUSSING BOTH THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES - You must base this on Client Feedback and your own honest appraisal of the success of your performance in your role, your teamwork and the quality of your final product

Task 6a) Actively­ collect feedback on the success of responding to the brief. Interview the client and collect feedback on:
  1. the success of the product
  2. the process of responding to their brief and working with the client
  3. the effectiveness of your group organisation

For Distinction: Actively seek out feedback from your actual intended audience using social network views and survey monkey on the success of the product
  1. Can they recognise it as an suite of idents
  2. Can they recognise the theme
  3. What do they associate with the brand identity
  4. Is it fit for purpose – does it brand the seasons
  5. Does it appeal to them?

Task 6b) Write a series of reports – each of your will take a section each to deliver (See Group Member)

  1. Explain what you have tried to accomplish through the suite of idents (Group Member 1)
  2. How have you worked to try to achieve what you set out to do - explain decisions made with detailed examples from own work (Group Member 2)
  3. Evaluate how you conducted your roles (Individual)
  4. Evaluate the success of the process or responding to the brief and the effectiveness of your group organisation - informed by the feedback of others (Group Member 3)
  5. Explain the changes made to the ident resulting from various legal and ethical and financial constraints and unforeseen challenges. (Group Member 4)

Task 6c) For a Distinction use the reports to develop a script for a group Director’s Commentary/Class Presentation 

i.  Make a critically objective assessment of their own achievement with detailed
reference to examples taken from your work. 
ii.  Make critical comparisons of your own work with other examples you looked at in your research 
iii. Evaluate their personal development in relation to justifying how you made a strong contribution to your role requirements in producing the idents. 
iv. Seek out the views of your Target Audience (parents, staff, students and applicants) by showing their product to likely members of the intended audience
v.  Explain the impact of professional and legal constraints upon your work. 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Progress with Assignment Brief Completion - FINAL DEADLINE 26th May

Task and assessment key 
1&2 = 5.1
3&4 = 5.2
4&5 = 5.3

TASK 5b - you should have 5 diary entry posts now. Each MUST be using the headings below:

  1. meeting deadlines; (weekly diary of progress to schedule)
  2. liaison with client; (meeting)
  3. client negotiation; (changes and compromises made in discussion based on rough cuts)
  4. quality management; (meeting to discuss the production quality and fitness for purpose of each of the idents)
  5. Teamworking; (weekly team log of contributions and management of the production)

There are NO resubmissions for this task. Marks must be submitted to exam board after Half Term

Weebly Grades - Friday 4pm Final Deadline for Tasks 1-4

Mike - 1-D&2-P; 2-P (no design work in plan, should be a booklet) & 3-P(roles not comlete and no names on the Gant chart schedule)

Roopa - 1-D & 2P; 3 & 4 D; 

Ugonna - 1-D & 2M/P; 3-NYA (no mood board & individual pitch) & 4-M/D

Calvin 1-M & 2 NYA/M(2c); 3 & 4 NYA no work

Ese - 1-D & 2-P/WT.D (Kenny section); 3-D & 4-D

Nigel 1-M (no task 1a) & 2-P (2b is descriptive no explanation of HOW and WHY), 3-P (Treatment is minimal and doesn't convey the concept see feedback on work given back, No designs) 4-NYA - No storyboards

Ashley 1-M & 2-NYA; 3&4 - NYA

James - 1-D & 2-M/P(James & Rosie no explanation & no Lawrence 2b); 3 - NYA incomplete no treatment or production plan booklet or mood boards) 4 NYA no recees/risk assessments or roles)

Lawrence - 1-M & 2-NYA (2b incomplete WTM, 2c doesn't mention animation); 3-NYA (WT.M) treatment has no theme, production plan incomplete)  & 4-M (presentation)

Tamaira - 1-NYA (no posts) & 2-NYA (no task 2a, 2b-P at best no explanation; no task 2c); 3-NYA(W.T M) (no responsibilities animator; no treatment, no problems, no solutions) & 4-M

Dejhenea - 1-D & 2-P(no explanation but detailed examples WTM); 3-NYA (WT.M) (missing treatment and other aspects of production plan - no names for the jobs on the Gant chart) 4 NYA (no roles and responsibilities or complete budget)

Rosie - 1-NYA W.T.D (no brief) & 2NYA (no task 2b or Task 2c report); 3 NYA (no production plan; mind maps, pitches) & 4 P (no who on Gant chart)

Shanee - 1-M/D & 2P; 3-M/D (need other students mind maps) & 4-D

Deniesha - 1-M & 2P/M (Mike and Dej sections Pass); 3 -NYA (no pitches) & 4 NYA no - production plan - no treatment, no problems and solutions, gant chart - who is responsible? Storyboard sideways on)

Dan S - 1-M/D & 2 NYA (no work posted for 2b,or 2c); 3-NYA (no production plan 3c or 3d) & 4-NYA (no storyboards)

Dan T - 1-M & 2 NYA (2b no group report and only descriptive, no skills section 2c); 3 NYA no work, no mind maps & 4 NYA no work

Maya - 1-D & 2-P/M; 3&4 - NYA incomplete 

Tim - 1-NYA(WT.M no annotation on brief) & 2-P(detailed 2b but only descriptive no explanation of why or how, 2c is minimal and not explain) 3-P (complete but production plan is not well presented 1 doc in sequence & 4-M/D

Jordan 1-M & 2-P; 3&4 M/D; 

Eunice - 1-M/D & 2-P(WT.M/D) Kenny's section) ; 3-D & 4-D

Tommy - 1-M & 2-NYA (2b no explanation of how and why), 2c is your pitch NOT the actual 2c - refer to your assignment brief) 3 & 4 NYA (no work)

Kenny 1-M/D & 2-P(W.T.M/D) ; 3-D & 4-D 

THIS WEEK - Absent (held at Pass for missing work shift - no legitimate reason given/medical evidence = unprofessional Unit 5)

Tim (2 weeks missed lessons) - 3 hrs weds
Kenny - 1.30 weds
Ashley - no medical cert/notes
Deniesha - no medical cert/notes
Dan S 

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

5.4 Feedback Task 4 Preproduction

32.M They will produce appropriate planning materials to realise these ideas effectively. Learners working at this grade will document the decision-making process in some detail. They will approach tasks methodically and with adequate preparation, ideas being worked out and presented neatly.

32.D planning will be done fully and in detail and to a near-professional standard.

5.M all work will be approached methodically and with adequate preparation, and ideas will be worked out and presented neatly. Processes will be undertaken with care and, generally speaking, thought will be put into the work. Learners will make careful plans appropriate to their particular areas of responsibility 

32.D Their planning and execution will demonstrate near-professional skills resulting in a product that also approaches professional standards. 

Monday, 8 May 2017

5.4 3 weeks left Deadline 26th May- Brief going live this week

Objective: Apply a response to the brief by producing the suite of television idents to respond to the brief showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations. 

(Give the work your full commitment, work positively and cooperatively with others, and meet deadline)
P4 produce a television ident to a brief working within appropriate conventions with some assistance.

M4 produce a television ident to a brief working to a good technical standard showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance.

D4 produce a television ident to a brief working to near professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations.

Task 5a) GROUP Create your suite of 4 idents using video or stop motion, performing a key role: Animator, Camera Operator, Director/Editor, Production Manager OR take responsibility for an Ident each
Task 5b) INDIVIDUAL Write a series (4 so far as of 8.5.17 - this will be your 5th) of production diary posts that reflects on your creative decision-making outcomes under the following headings:

  1. meeting deadlines; (weekly diary of progress to schedule)
  2. liaison with client; (meeting)
  3. client negotiation; (changes and compromises made in discussion based on rough cuts)
  4. quality management; (meeting to discuss the production quality and fitness for purpose of each of the idents)
  5. Teamworking; (weekly team log of contributions and management of the production)

You must include a record of your progress as you produce the ident with notes, photographs, screen grab, etc. You must be able to demonstrate the skills that you have used during the production phase. 
Task 5c) 3rd Meeting with the client address any difficulties or complaints, present and agree revisions to the brief and  plan
Task 5d) Final Cut – having negotiated changes with the client, refine your earlier production to apply your practical technical production skills with ingenuity and elegance, with conventions used with occasionally surprising results.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

5.3 Feedback on Production Plan/Pitch

Objective: Be able to develop a planned response to a brief

P2 plan a response to a brief working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance

M2 plan a response to a brief competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

D2 plan a response to a brief to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to
  1. a production budget 
  2. a treatment (Theme, Consistency of each 4 idents, Tone, Brand Identity, Colour) 
  3. a production plan to meet requirements with timescales (stages of pre-production and production tasks w/team members involved & their role) 
  4. designs (including storyboards for each ident) 
  5. potential problems with each (health and safety issues; budget; production practicalities; practical skills, resources etc) 
  6. possible solutions with each (research potential of solutions; evaluate against requirements and constraints; select best option; what needs to be discussed with client during pitch?;agree final response during pitch)
Davics - P
1. M/P equipment hire
2. P - (no colour, tone, brand), making 4 idents not 1.
3. P - production schedule as Gant chart with your roles and what to do
4. P - annotations - colour, tone, how animated? Design for Dolls? Only 3/4 storyboard drafts
5. P - time and stop motion
6. P - time & stop motion, no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

Young Empire - M
1. M
2. M
3. M
4. M
5. M
6. M no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

Skudodo - only Tamaira (P) and Nigel (P) awarded marks for submission. Group grade NYA
1. P/M
4. NYA incomplete - only 1 storyboard
6. no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

1. P - subtotals and how solved in problems
2. NYA - incorrect format & no detail - 
6. no discussion notes for pitch negotiation

iwatch - NYA
1. Present in grid (P)
2. NYA incomplete (Theme, Consistency of each 4 idents, Tone, Visual Style, Brand Identity, Colour) 
3. P - no roles or how shoot organised 
4. NYA - incomplete no rough storyboards, designs don't match the pitch, no drawings etc 
5. P - how will you organise the shoot?
6. P - no discussion notes for pitch negotiation