Tuesday, 21 March 2017

4.5 Ideas Portfolio Responding to Ident Brief

Objective: Originate ‘ORIGINAL’ and ‘IMAGINATIVE’ ideas for television idents to a brief showing creativity and flair, and working independently to professional expectations. Each learner is required to individually originate ideas, select one idea and present to the class having considered the given brief. 

originate ideas for suite of Idents and plan a response to a brief working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance

originate ideas for suite of Idents and plan response to a brief competently showing some imagination, showing some imagination with only occasional assistance

originate ideas for suite of Idents and plan a response to a brief to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair, and working independently to professional expectations

Task 3: "Ideas Portfolio Responding to Ident Brief” 
You must generate a concept for a suite of 4 idents.  They must work together to promote the same channel. Each ident must be suitable to use across different seasons of the year. They must have a clear theme but use that theme differently.

Task 3a): Individual
A series of blog posts with your creative idea generation and development to a final idea
  1. Mindmap a selection of 3 potential theme ideas (photograph if on paper and post on your blog). Explore how each theme could be used differently in a class presentation
  2. Choose your final theme and create a detailed Mood Board with annotations explaining why it is suitable for the channel you are working for. E.g. why it would appeal to the target audience and requirements of the client (brand etc) and evaluate against requirements and constraints
Task 3b): Individual
Present this to the class and explain why it is original and imaginative and suitable for the client’s channel and target audience.

Task 3c): Group
As a group of 4 now select the best option – the most original and imaginative idea. Develop this theme into a suite of 4 idents and mind map how this would be developed across 4 seasons of the year (Autumn/Winter/Spring/Summer).  For the Distinction your plans should reflect as a team on how these products would sit as a cohesive ident package.

What you must submit by Easter Break
Use a mixtures of drawn designs, plasticine models and Glogster or Powtoon to evidence this and how you will create the ident (stop motion, green screen, location, editing techniques to be used, design for the logo)

  1. Individual Mindmap on blog with annotations on blog  
  2. Indidivual Moodboard and annotations on blog 
  3. Individual Annotations of selection and explanation of final theme (why it would appeal to the target audience and requirements of the client (brand etc) and evaluate against requirements and constraints)
  4. Individual Class presentation of Theme (why it is original and imaginative and suitable for the client’s channel and target audience)
  5. Group Mindmap and team meeting into Seasonal Suite of Idents development of theme
  6. Group Annotations (1 per student) on on how these products would sit as a cohesive ident package (i. Theme & Continuity, ii. Style and Tone, iii. Brand Identity, iv. Why it is original and imaginative & suitable for the client’s channel and target audience)

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